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10 Ways to Manifest Your Dreams Now

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” Socrates

Happy National Vision Board Day! According to, the second Saturday of January is National Vision Board Day. Since the beginning of the year is a great time to set goals and get specific about what you want, let’s look at some ways to celebrate this holiday.

Wait, What Is a Vision Board?

A vision board is a collection of images, phrases, and items that represent what you desire in the future. Sometimes called Dream Boards, these visualization tools help you focus your energy on what you really want in life. Additionally, this creative process helps you get very specific about your goals, which is essential in attracting your desires.

But Isn’t This Just a Bunch of Hooey?

Not in the least. Many Olympians and professional athletes incorporate visualization techniques into their training. And a study at Dominican University found that “those who wrote their goals accomplished significantly more than those who did not write their goals.” Consequently, creating a Vision Board combines the impact of visualization with the effectiveness of documenting your goals into one powerful activity.

Ready to get started?

Here are 10 types of vision boards that will help you manifest your dreams.

1. The Traditional Vision Board

Because a classic never dies. The traditional vision board gets the job done every time. To create this board, collect photos, magazine clippings, and other inspirational items that symbolize your desires. Glue these objects to a piece of poster board and voila!

2. Vision Strip

We are completely in love with this brilliant Vision Strip creation from life coach and blogger Jo Hodson at For this vision board alternative, a strip of wallpaper is turned into a vision board that is not only beautiful to look at but is also space effective and will easily evolve with you throughout the year. As Jo says, “I absolutely love it as an inspiration for my goals and dreams and also as an artwork in its own right.” We couldn’t agree more. If you would like to learn how to make your own Vision Strip, read the full article with how-to instructions here.

3. Visuapp

This is a free vision board app that we are pretty jazzed about. You can use photos already saved in your phone or take new photos to create a vision board on your mobile device. There is even an option to add an affirmation to each photo. We love this electronic alternative because you can easily build your board as you go about your life. See a pair of shoes you can’t live without? Instantly add them to your board with a quick snap in the Visuapp!

4. A Letter to the Universe

This idea is from Nikita at and we could not be more obsessed with it. Use a note card to send your wish list to the Universe. Simply write out your desires with as much detail as you can fit on the card. You might also like to include pictures, drawings or anything else that speaks to your heart. Finally, address the envelope to yourself, add a stamp and drop it in the mail. Nikita says this is “a little bit like when you were sending your wish list to Santa as a child. A few days later, when I see the envelope in my mailbox I feel like the Universe received my request, read it and will now send it my way.”

Want to learn more about Nikita’s step-by-step method to manifesting your dreams? Check out her ebook “Manifest it!” here.

5. Vision Box

Understanding why you want your desires adds even more focus and passion to your vision board. And that translates to more manifesting power. This version of the vision board incorporates your why. Glue your inspirational vision board items to the outside of a small cardboard box or shoe box.

Once you have the outside complete, turn your attention to the inside of the box. Here is where you are going to capture the all powerful “why”. Place things inside the box that represent the reasons for your desires. Or as an alternative, you can write your “whys” all over the inside of the box.

6. Wheel and Spoke Map

Borrowed from entrepreneurs and project managers everywhere, the wheel and spoke map might be the fastest and easiest way to create your life vision. It’s also the most boring to read about. Here’s a quick diagram instead:

7. Planner/Journal

Turn your planner or journal into a vision board by gluing your inspirational items to the outside cover. As another option, you could use a few pages on the inside to make a mini vision board or keep a list of your dreams and desires.

8. Pinterest

Use one of the private boards available on Pinterest to create an electronic vision board. This is a nice option since it allows you to easily collect ideas from the internet and grow your board as time goes by.

9. The Refrigerator Board

No home office space or place for a traditional vision board? No problem! Just use magnets to put your vision board items on your refrigerator (or any place that is magnetic).

10. Life Scripting

Life scripting is a beautiful tool for exploring exactly what you want in life. For this activity, clear a little quiet time for yourself. Gather up your pen and paper. Make yourself a nice cup of tea and diffuse your favorite essential oil. Take a few deep breaths and really think about what you want your future to look like. Write it all down in as much detail as you can imagine. But here’s the trick – write it down as if you already have that perfect life.

For example, you might write:

I love my new job. Working from home is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I don’t have to commute through rush hour anymore. I can wear comfy clothes and work the day away with my dog in my lap. My manager is wonderful, and the workload is structured, organized, and steady. I feel productive, balanced, appreciated and happy.

Since the key to manifesting is emotion, be sure to include how you feel in your script. If you are stumped on what to write about, here are some categories to get you started. Include as many as you like or create your own: career, relationship, family and friends, home, pets, hobbies, finances, health and wellness, things you want, travel, and education.

OK, Now What?

So, you’ve created your vision board, but now what? First, congratulations on a job well done! You have set wonderful things in motion and the Universe is working to bring everything you desire into your world. But what should you do with your board?

Well, that depends entirely on you. Can you look at your board and feel gratitude as if your dreams have already come true? If so, then feel free to display your board and give thanks whenever you see it.

However, if your vision board serves as a reminder for all the things you don’t have, then it is best to put it away or recycle it. Remember, the Universe responds to your vibration. So, if you look at your board and think “Ugh…I don’t have a new car”, then the Universe is going to say, “Nope, you don’t.” This negative thinking will prevent your desires from appearing in your life. So, put the board away and simply allow the action of creating your vision board to manifest your dreams.

In Conclusion

In the end, no matter which vision board you choose to create, the Universe will hear you and respond. Happy Manifesting and Happy National Vision Board Day!

Affirmation: I am the creator of my life.


PSA: I do not receive any compensation for products mentioned in this article.

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